Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sketch Challenge

Since I got all my craft stuff lying on my desk, I might as well make another card before I do a massive cleanup. :)

I entered a sketch challenge (PPA38) from Pals Paper Arts.

It looks like a sketch that is easy to follow. Not sure if it's late at night, I took me quite some time to come up with what to put in the 3 squares. I finally put the crochet flowers that my friend gave me. I wish I know how to make those flowers, they do look nice!

A closeup of the flower.

Thanks for visiting.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Cake? UFO?

I'm back! It's been a while that I make a card. And I entered the Day 44 challenge 365 cards.

Here is my take:

It's a wedding cake made from paper quilling. I hope you see this as a cake, cuz my hubby was saying "it looks like a UFO hanging something down". >_< Anyway, my quilling skill is getting rusty. I should probably make more. :)