Thursday, December 24, 2009

Keep it to yourself:holiday card challenge

Not that I have anything to do for Christmas Eve, I can't imagine I can still make a card on Christmas Eve, and it's for 365 cards challenge: "Keep it to yourself". The rule is "do not put the message on the outside of the card".

Here is my card for my hubby:

I've been telling him that I'm not gonna make him a Christmas card, because every time I finished a Christmas card (that I made for someone else), I put it on his working table, that pretends it's me giving him the card. :) Anyway, I got the teddy bear from some gift tag. I found it cute and didn't want it going to the waste basket.

Merry Christmas!


Rose said...

super cute! he will luv it :) Merry Christmas!

~amy~ said...

cute, cute, cute!!!

Goblinf said...

it'll serve you right if he thinks it's for someone else now! lovely card.

可可 said...

Cute! And what a way to "recycle" gift tags. Merry Christmas!